4.6m x 1.5m x 20mm Land Roller
This Range of Water Ballast Land Rollers can be manufactured to any width you require and any diameter as well.
Our main sizes are 4.6 Meters (15ft) wide and Diameters of either 1.5 Meters (5ft) diameter, or 1.930 Meters (6ft4”) diameter and Roller plate of 16mm(5/8) or 20mm(3/4) or 25mm (1”).
They all have 150mm (6”) axles and all have special flush bungs fitted to the centre drums. You are supplied with a special key to remove the centre bungs for filling and draining the centre drums when you require.
These Water Ballast rollers are various weights once complete and full of water, but are anything from 13000Kgs to 19500Kgs depending on the size and plate weight/thickness you require.
As with all our rollers they come standard with spring loaded scrapers on the rear and fold up adjustable jacks on the front.
Why buy a Plucks Land Roller?
- A Land Roller that won't let you down at the critical moment. Built to last for multiple generations.
- Prepared and welded together by our qualified tradesmen to NZ welding standard (AS/NZS 2980) using a multiple run welding technique.
- Our Roller sales experts will help you choose from a range of plate thicknesses, diameters, weights and widths to suit your farm requirements.

What size Heavy Roller do I need?
Size will be determined by:
- Stone size - how big your stones are will affect what plate thickness you need:
- 16mm (shingle up to fist size)
- 20mm (fist up to pumpkin)
- 25mm (rugby ball or bigger)
- no stones or swampy - Horsepower of tractor; it's important to match your towing capacity to the weight of roller
- If your land has rolling, undulating hills or it's flat (if your tractor is 4WD, this also influences the roller model).
There's nothing worse than machinery letting you down at the critical moment. Don't settle for imitations.
Call today on 0800 758 257 or click the button to send an enquiry.

Pluck’s Heavy Roller Brochure
The complete guide and go-to source for everything you need to know about Pluck's Heavy Land Rollers.